What We Do

SOLETERRE: Strategie di Pace Onlus

SoleTerre is a non-profit foundation that works for the recognition and application of the right to health in its broadest sense.
In addition to providing medical care and assistance, SoleTerre is committed to safeguarding and promoting psycho-physical well-being for all and everyone, both individually and collectively, at any age and in every part of the world.
The prevention, the denunciation and the contrast of inequalities and violence, whatever the cause that generates it, are an integral part of Soleterre’s activity: because health is social justice.

Fondazione Toscana G.Monasterio

The Fondazione Toscana “Gabriele Monasterio” (Monasterio), is a public body set up by the Italian National Research Council and the Tuscan regional administration and which works alongside the health system in Tuscany in terms of specialized clinical activities, innovation and research and training.

Refugees Welcome Italia

Refugees Welcome Italia ETS nasce nel dicembre 2015 come parte del network europeo con l’obiettivo di sostenere il coinvolgimento della società civile a fianco di rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. L’associazione attiva sul territorio nazionale attraverso volontari costruisce la sua prima proposta di valore intorno alla pratica dell’accoglienza in famiglia e la promozione sociale.

Ada Manes Foundation for Children

The Ada Manes Foundation for Children was set up Pescara in 2015. The aim is to reduce suffering in children and adolescents, particularly those from low and medium income countries, through social-health interventions, with a focus on congenital and acquired pediatric diseases for which the only therapy is surgery.

Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR

The Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR is an institution whose mission is to promote a comprehensive understanding of the organization and functioning of the nervous system, and to apply this knowledge to the treatment of its disorders. This is achieved through multidisciplinary research, including cellular and molecular biology, anatomy, physiology, developmental biology, pharmacology, and genetics.

SOLETERRE: Strategie di Pace Onlus
SOLETERRE: Strategie di Pace Onlus

SoleTerre is a non-profit foundation that works for the recognition and application of the right to health in its broadest sense.
In addition to providing medical care and assistance, SoleTerre is committed to safeguarding and promoting psycho-physical well-being for all and everyone, both individually and collectively, at any age and in every part of the world.
The prevention, the denunciation and the contrast of inequalities and violence, whatever the cause that generates it, are an integral part of Soleterre’s activity: because health is social justice.

Fondazione Toscana G.Monasterio
Fondazione Toscana G.Monasterio

The Fondazione Toscana “Gabriele Monasterio” (Monasterio), is a public body set up by the Italian National Research Council and the Tuscan regional administration and which works alongside the health system in Tuscany in terms of specialized clinical activities, innovation and research and training.

Refugees Welcome Italia
Refugees Welcome Italia

Refugees Welcome Italia ETS nasce nel dicembre 2015 come parte del network europeo con l’obiettivo di sostenere il coinvolgimento della società civile a fianco di rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. L’associazione attiva sul territorio nazionale attraverso volontari costruisce la sua prima proposta di valore intorno alla pratica dell’accoglienza in famiglia e la promozione sociale.

Ada Manes Foundation for Children
Ada Manes Foundation for Children

The Ada Manes Foundation for Children was set up Pescara in 2015. The aim is to reduce suffering in children and adolescents, particularly those from low and medium income countries, through social-health interventions, with a focus on congenital and acquired pediatric diseases for which the only therapy is surgery.

Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR
Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR

The Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR is an institution whose mission is to promote a comprehensive understanding of the organization and functioning of the nervous system, and to apply this knowledge to the treatment of its disorders. This is achieved through multidisciplinary research, including cellular and molecular biology, anatomy, physiology, developmental biology, pharmacology, and genetics.

Italian Down’s syndrome Association ONLUS Pisa
Italian Down’s syndrome Association ONLUS Pisa

The Italian Down’s syndrome Association was founded in Pisa in 1988. The association is a point of reference for families and social, health and educational operators for issues regarding Down’s syndrome.
Its aim is to protect the rights of people with Down’s syndrome, to promote their full physical and mental development, to contribute to their scholastic and social integration, to raise awareness about their real abilities, and to spread knowledge about the syndrome.

Liceo Statale “Edoardo Amaldi” di Novi Ligure
Liceo Statale “Edoardo Amaldi” di Novi Ligure

Liceo Amaldi in Novi Ligure is a secondary school, offering 6 different courses- Classical, Scientific, Linguistic, Applied sciences, Human Sciences and a Sports-based course, which pursues the objective of developing and strengthening opportunities for education, orientation, personal growth and the autonomy of all of its students. It is with these goals in mind that in addition to normal scholastic programs, Amaldi promotes projects in educational contexts which orient towards the working world, and continuing education in areas of humanistic culture, sciences and the arts.

DIMES of the University of Bologna
DIMES of the University of Bologna

The Department of Diagnostic and Experimental Specialized Medicine of the University of Bologna (DIMES), born from the merger of numerous departments in the biomedical and clinical area, carries out research, training and assistance in both hospital and university areas.
DIMES favors the integration and cooperation between the different research groups coming from the Departments, helping to identify and develop common themes of particular scientific relevance.

So far we have begun collaborations with AIDP Pisa, CNR – FTGM, Soleterre DIMES and Ada Manes and we plan to initiate other projects with “high quality” partners.

Once activated, these new partnerships and related activities will be published on this site.

This will be done clearly and transparently, following the principle “first do it, then talk about it”.

A few steps at a time, but always trying to do them in the best way possible.

Do you need information? Contact Us!

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