Fondazione Toscana G.Monasterio
The Fondazione Toscana “Gabriele Monasterio” (Monasterio), is a public body set up by the Italian National Research Council and the Tuscan regional administration and which works alongside the health system in Tuscany in terms of specialized clinical activities, innovation and research and training.
FTGM today
- the only health institute in Italy in which the Italian National Research Council has a holding
- specializes in cardiopulmonary and related diseases with a multidisciplinary approach to clinical and research: numerous non-healthcare professionals
- the second largest centre in Italy as regards the care case-mix
- the third largest health institution in Italy carrying out haemodynamic activities
- regional referral center in Tuscany for: pediatric cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology for pediatric patients; fetal diagnosis of heart disease; treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia
- one of the top hospitals in the world in terms of the innovative techniques used in cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology
- top institute in Italy for cardiovascular imaging
- fully computerized hospital management, clinic and support for research activities. The system was developed internally and is now in use in other hospitals in Tuscany
- Pisa (at the Italian National Research Council campus): cardiology and cardiovascular medicine, haemodynamics, electrophysiology, pneumology, endocrine-metabolic pathologies, hypercholesterolemic treatment, advanced imaging
- Massa (“G. Pasquinucci” Heart Hospital): cardiology, interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery in neonatal, pediatric and adult patients, fetal diagnosis of heart disease, pregnancy management, advanced imaging.
Clinical Activities
- case mix of high and very high complexity (over 92% of hospitalizations)
- attracts cases from other regions of Italy, particularly for:
- pediatric cardiac surgery 43%, and adult cardiac surgery 20%
- cardiology: pediatric 35%, adults 14%
- excellent clinical ountcomes (source: Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services (AGENAS)
- heart failure: 30-day mortality rate 4.7% (national average 10.3%)
- coronary artery bypass: 30-day mortality rate 1.4% (national average 2.3%)
- valvular surgery: 30-day mortality rate 1.5% (national average 2.8%)
- chronic bronchopneumopathy treatment: 30-day mortality rate 1.6% (national average 9.3%)
Research and Innovation
- laboratories specializing in: biology, clinical genetics, biomechanics, clinical engineering, advanced imaging, nanomedicine (hyperpolarizer, MRI 7T), surgical planning with virtual support
- partnerships with companies (G.E., Toshiba, Philips, Esaote, Medis, Sorin, Edwards, Insiel Mercato, Medilogy, Kell): device testing, sequences, reels, software development, etc.
- 246 PUBMED publications (average impact factor: 5.17) and 120 trials / observational studies
- innovative clinical networks: acute heart attack treatment, heart disease teleconsultation in neonatal/pediatric patients, evaluation of heart iron accumulation in thalassemia patients
Educational Activities
- Specialization Schools in collaboration with several universities in Italy (e.g. Pisa, Trieste, Siena, Palermo)
- training in advanced diagnosis and treatment techniques for doctors and health professionals from Italy and abroad (medical centres in: Yemen, China, Palestine, Slovenia, Belaurs, Kazakhstan)
- partnership with the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa for clinical-scientific training courses and International Master’s programmes.
How do we collaborate with the Fondazione Monasterio?
With Monasterio, we are launching a wide-ranging multi-year collaboration for training, research and clinical activities. The first projects involve financial support for:
- Training projects in paediatric cardiac surgery for the Ospedale del Cuore: these are specialist clinical courses carried out by cardiologists and cardiac surgeons at the G. Monasterio for doctors who are unable to find such courses in their home country.
- Enabling young patients from countries where there is no paediatric cardiac surgery activity to be treated at the Ospedale del Cuore.
- Renovating the guesthouse for the families of children hospitalized at the Ospedale del Cuore. Typically these are families of children from countries where such facilities are not available and who can stay for free in the guest rooms.
- Funding young researchers at the G. Monasterio in the field of heart disease and in technologies applied to health in these areas.
- Helping the “Virtual Hospital” project: in collaboration with the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, creating opportunities for patients of all ages to experience life without the anxieties deriving from hospitalization.
- Promoting the “Adopt a PhD Student” project. G. Monasterio alongside the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa have devised a mixed application-clinical pathway as part of the PhD courses in translational medicine. The students complement their research activities with clinical activities, integrating the two components into a multi-year highly-specialized course.
- Setting up grants for young doctors, which entail attending the G. Monasterio for research projects in the field of cardiopulmonary diseases in children and adults.